2008 federal individual income tax rate schedules
If taxable income is: |
The tax is: |
Not over $8,025 |
10% of the taxable income |
Over $8,025 but not over $32,550 |
15% of the excess over $8,025 plus $802.50 |
Over $32,550 but not over $78,850 |
25% of the excess over $32,550 plus $4,481.25 |
Over $78,850 but not over $164,550 |
28% of the excess over $78,850 plus $16,056.25 |
Over $164,550 but not over $357,700 |
33% of the excess over $164,550 plus $40,052.25 |
Over $357,700 |
35% of the excess over $357,700 plus $103,791.75 |
If taxable income is: |
The tax is: |
Not over $8,025 |
10% of the taxable income |
Over $8,025 but not over $32,550 |
15% of the excess over $8,025 plus $802.50 |
Over $32,550 but not over $65,725 |
25% of the excess over $32,550 plus $4,481.25 |
Over $65,725 but not over $100,150 |
28% of the excess over $65,725 plus $12,775 |
Over $100,150 but not over $178,850 |
33% of the excess over $100,150 plus $22,414 |
Over $178,850 |
35% of the excess over $178,850 plus $48,385 |
If taxable income is: |
The tax is: |
Not over $16,050 |
10% of the taxable income |
Over $16,050 but not over $65,100 |
15% of the excess over $16,050 plus $1,605 |
Over $65,100 but not over $131,450 |
25% of the excess over $65,100 plus $8,962.50 |
Over $131,450 but not over $200,300 |
28% of the excess over $131,450 plus $25,550 |
Over $200,300 but not over $357,700 |
33% of the excess over $200,300 plus $44,828 |
Over $357,700 |
35% of the excess over $357,700 plus $96,770 |
If taxable income is: |
The tax is: |
Not over $11,450 |
10% of the taxable income |
Over $11,450 but not over $43,650 |
15% of the excess over $11,450 plus $1,145 |
Over $43,650 but not over $112,650 |
25% of the excess over $43,650 plus $5,975 |
Over $112,650 but not over $182,400 |
28% of the excess over $112,650 plus $23,225 |
Over $182,400 but not over $357,700 |
33% of the excess over $182,400 plus $42,755 |
Over $357,700 |
35% of the excess over $357,700 plus $100,604 |