2011 federal individual income tax rate schedules
If taxable income is: |
The tax is: |
Not over $8,500 |
10% of the taxable income |
Over $8,375 but not over $34,500 |
15% of the excess over $8,500 plus $850 |
Over $34,500 but not over $83,600 |
25% of the excess over $34,500 plus $4,750 |
Over $83,600 but not over $174.400 |
28% of the excess over $83,600 plus $17,025 |
Over $174,400 but not over $379,150 |
33% of the excess over $174,400 plus $42,449 |
Over $379,150 |
35% of the excess over $379,150 plus $110,016.50 |
If taxable income is: |
The tax is: |
Not over $8,500 |
10% of the taxable income |
Over $8,500 but not over $34,500 |
15% of the excess over $8,500 plus $850 |
Over $34,500 but not over $69,675 |
25% of the excess over $34,500 plus $4,750 |
Over $69,675 but not over $106,150 |
28% of the excess over $69,675 plus $13,543.75 |
Over $106,150 but not over $189,575 |
33% of the excess over $106,150 plus $23,756.75 |
Over $189,575 |
35% of the excess over $189,575 plus $51,287 |
If taxable income is: |
The tax is: |
Not over $17,000 |
10% of the taxable income |
Over $17,000 but not over $69,000 |
15% of the excess over $17,000 plus $1,700 |
Over $69,000 but not over $139,350 |
25% of the excess over $69,000 plus $9,500 |
Over $139,350 but not over $212,300 |
28% of the excess over $139,350 plus $27,087.50 |
Over $212,300 but not over $379,150 |
33% of the excess over $212,300 plus $47,513.50 |
Over $379,150 |
35% of the excess over $379,150 plus $102,574 |
If taxable income is: |
The tax is: |
Not over $12,150 |
10% of the taxable income |
Over $12,150 but not over $46,250 |
15% of the excess over $12,150 plus $1,215 |
Over $46,250 but not over $119,400 |
25% of the excess over $46,250 plus $6,330 |
Over $119,400 but not over $193,350 |
28% of the excess over $119,400 plus $24,617.50 |
Over $193,350 but not over $379,150 |
33% of the excess over $193,350 plus $45,323.50 |
Over $379,150 |
35% of the excess over $379,150 plus $106,637.50 |