2021 South Carolina Individual income tax rate schedule

South Carolina uses the following income tax brackets for all taxpayers regardless of their filing status.

If taxable income is:

The tax is:

Not over $3,070

0% of the taxable income

Over $3,070 but not over $6,140

3% of the excess over $3,070

Over $6,140 but not over $9,210

4% of the excess over $6,140 + $92.10

Over $9,210 but not over $12,280

5% of the excess over $9,210+ $214,.90

Over $12,280 but not over $15,360

6% of the excess over $12,280 + $368.40

Over $15,360

7% of the excess over $15,360 + $552.60

You can use this tax rate schedule to get a rough idea of your tax liability but you must use the 2021 SC Tax tables to compute your actual tax. Tax rate schedules are adjusted annually for inflation. If your taxable income is greater than $100,000 then you must use the computation on the last page of the 2021 tax tables.