2023 federal individual income tax rate schedules
If taxable income is: |
The tax is: |
Not over $11,000 |
10% of the taxable income |
Over $11,000 but not over $44,725 |
12% of the excess over $11,000 plus $1,100 |
Over $44,725 but not over $95,375 |
22% of the excess over $44,725 plus $5,147 |
Over $95,375 but not over $182,100 |
24% of the excess over $95,375 plus $16,290 |
Over $182,100 but not over $231,250 |
32% of the excess over $182,100 plus $37,104 |
Over $231,250 but not over $578,125 |
35% of the excess over $231,250 plus $52,832 |
Over $578,125 |
37% of the excess over $578,125 plus $174,238.25 |
If taxable income is: |
The tax is: |
Not over $22,000 |
10% of the taxable income |
Over $22,000 but not over $89,450 |
12% of the excess over $20,550 plus $2,200 |
Over $89,450 but not over $190,750 |
22% of the excess over $89,450 plus $10,294 |
Over $190,751 but not over $364,200 |
24% of the excess over $190,751 plus $32,580 |
Over $364,201 but not over $462,500 |
32% of the excess over $364,201 plus $74,208 |
Over $462,501 but not over $693,750 |
35% of the excess over $462,501 plus $105,664 |
Over $693,750 |
37% of the excess over $693,750 plus $186,601.50 |
If taxable income is: |
The tax is: |
Not over $15,700 |
10% of the taxable income |
Over $15,700 but not over $59,851 |
12% of the excess over $15,700 plus $1,570 |
Over $59,851 but not over $95,351 |
22% of the excess over $59,851 plus $6,868 |
Over $95,351 but not over $182,100 |
24% of the excess over $95,351 plus $14,678 |
Over $182,100 but not over $231,250 |
32% of the excess over $182,100 plus $35,498 |
Over $231,250 but not over $578,100 |
35% of the excess over $231,250 plus $51,226 |
Over $578,100 |
578,100 plus $172,623.50 |
Personal exemption:$0. Standard deduction add-ons: Over 65 and or/blind $1,850 (single or HOH) or $1,500 each for married taxpayers or qualified widow(er).
if blind. Also see deductions and exemption phaseouts for high income individuals.
If taxable income is: |
The tax is: |
Not over $11,000 |
10% of the taxable income |
Over $11,000 but not over $44,725 |
12% of the excess over $11,000 plus $1,100 |
Over $44,725 but not over $95,375 |
22% of the excess over $44,725 plus $5,147 |
Over $95,375 but not over $182,100 |
24% of the excess over $95,375 plus $16,290 |
Over $182,100 but not over $231,250 |
32% of the excess over $182,100 plus $37,104 |
Over $231,250 but not over $346,875 |
35% of the excess over $231,250 plus $52,832 |
Over $346,875 |
37% of the excess over $346,875 plus 93,300.75 |